MRU docentės dr. Vidos Česnuitytės svetainė

CV (English)


  • Family sociology and policy
  • Quality of life sociology and policy
  • Social policy, EU social policy
  • Social research metholodogy and methods


  • 201 – PhD degree in Social sciences (Sociology), Vilnius University
  • 2000–2004 – PhD (Sociology) studies, Institute of social research (former Lithuanian institute of Philosophy and sociology)
  • 1997–1999 – Master’s Degree of Sociology, Vilnius University
  • 1981–1986 – Graduate Diploma of Mathematics, Vilnius University


  • 2019 – Lumsia University Rome (Italy)
  • 2018 – Department of Social Sciences, University of Eastern Finland (Kuopio, Finland)
  • 2017 – Université De Technologie Troyes (France)
  • 2017 – Department of Psychology, Alma Mater Studiorum Bolonia University (Italy)
  • 2016 – University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
  • 2013 – University of Geneva (Switzerland)
  • 2013 – The University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy)
  • 2001–2002 – Max Plank Institute of Demografic Research (Rostock, Germany)
  • 1998 – Institute of Applied Social Sciences, FAFO (Oslo, Norway)
  • 1997 – European Institute of Social Security (Paarnu, Estonia)
  • 1996 – Institute of Applied Social Sciences, FAFO (Oslo, Norway)


  • Since 2017 – associate professor, Mykolas Romeris University; courses: “EU social policy”; “Family policy”, “Statistical Methods in Sociology”; “Methods of Sociological Research”
  • Since 2015 – head of the Sociological Research Laboratory, Mykolas Romeris University
  • 2002–2017 – lecturer, Mykolas Romeris University; courses: “Sociology”; “Sociology of Quality of Life”, “Statistical Methods in Sociology”; “Methods of Sociological Research”; “EU social policy”; “Family policy”
  • 2000–2004 – PhD (Sociology) studies, Institute of Social Research
  • 1991–2000 – assistant of social research, Institute of Labour and Social Research


  • Knowledge of languages: Lithuanian – native; English – good; Russian – good; Frech – basics
  • Computer literacy: permanent work with MS Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook); work with large databases of social surveys (SPSS, TDA, Stata, other); teaching of PC users (ECDL program), other.

RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS (recent and/or most important)

  • 2011-2015 Scientific Council of Lithuania and ESF (Global grant) supported research project “Family model trajectories and social networks: intergenerational perspective”. Position in the project: research group member
  • 2008-2011 Educational project supported by EC Joint master‘s programme „Comparative European social policy“ (COSOPO); partners: Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), Johannes Kepler University (Linz); Tampere University (Finland); position: project administration, lecturer
  • 2006-2007 EC supported research project „Importance of general competences for the integration into labour market of the university graduaters“; partners: Vilnius University, Institute of Labour and Social Research; position: researcher
  • 2007 Quantitative survey, supported by Mykolas Romeris University „Image of the sociologist in Lithuanian society“; position: project initiation, organization
  • 2006-2007 “National awareness raising actions on social inclusion and social protection”. Target groups: stakeholders relevant to the implementation of the NAP/inclusion and the population in general. Project supported by European Commision. Coordinating and implementing organizations: Civil Society Institute (CSI) and partners: Lithuanian Radio and Television (LRT), the daily newspaper “Lietuvos Žinios”, Internet websites “Delfi” and “Bernardinai” and the Non-Governmental Organization Information and Support Center (NISC). Position in the project: national expert
  • 2006-2007 “Analysis of disadvantaged persons in the labour market and measures of their employment improvement”. Target groups: elderly people (45 and more years of old), disabled people looking for job, unskilled unemployers. Coordinating and implementing organizations: Lithuanian Labour Exchange, Institute of Labour and Social Research. Position in the project: expert
  • 2005-2007 “Selected eLearning Education for Visually Impaired People – SEE-VIP”. Target groups: unemployed persons, disabled persons, visually impaired/blind people. Socrates/ Grundtvig 1 project. Coordinating and implementing organizations: Training Centre of the Saxonian economy, Mykolas Romeris University and other partmers fro EU. Position in the project: representative from the university
  • 2004-2008 “Establishment Of Children’s Rights Protection And Monitoring Mechanisms On The Local Level In Lithuania”. Target groups: Children and young people, their families. Implementing organisations: Netherlands Helsinki Committee, Community Change Center. Position in the project: member of project steering group
  • 2004-2006 “Competitiveness of high school graduates’ in the Lithuanian labour market in the context of labour power supply and demand”. Target groups: graduates of universities, employers. Coordinating and implementing organisations: Ministry of Science and Education of Lithuania, Institute of Labour and Social Research. Position in the project: researcher
  • 2004 “Identification of problematic regions and social economic strategy in the identified regions of Lithuania”. Coordinating organisation: Institute of Public Policy and Management. Position in the project: researcher
  • 1999-2001, 2003 “Identification of Middle Class in Lithuania”; “Household income and expenditure and taxation in different strata in Lithuania”. Target groups: middle class, households. Coordinating and implementing organizations: Ministry of Social Security and Labour of Lithuania, Institute of Labour and Social Research. Position in the project: researcher
  • 1996-2000 “Poverty in Lithuania”, “Strategy of poverty reduction”. Coordinating organizations: United Nations’ Development Programm in Lithuania, Ministry of Social Security and Labour of Lithuania, Social Policy Group by the MSSL of Lithuania. Position in the project: national expert
  • 1994, 1999 “Living conditions in Lithuania” (NORBALT, NORBALT II). Coordinating organizations: Institute of Applied Social Surveys (Norway), Ministry of Social Security and Labour of Lithuania. Position in the project: researcher
  • 1996 “Comparative Baltic-Nordic Living Conditions Research”. Coordinating organization: Institute of Applied Social Surveys (Norway). Position in the project: researcher
  • 1994 “International migration in Lithuanian: causes and consequences”. Coordinating and implementing organizations: UN EEC, Lithuanian Institute of Philosophy and Sociology. Position in the project: researcher



  • Kanopienė, V.; Mikulionienė, S.; Česnuitytė, V. Family of Lithuania in the context of Europe. Colleactive monography. Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris University, 2015. (in Lithuanian)
  • Česnuitytė, V.; Kanopienė, V.; Mikulionienė, S. Family in Lithuania: the Perspective of Social Ties. Colleactive monography. Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris University, 2014. (in Lithuanian)
  • Kanopienė V., Mikulionienė S., Česnuitytė V. Family and social networks: intergenerational perspective. Analytical results. Vilnius: MRU leidykla, 2013
  • Česnuitytė, V.; Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė, L. Social policy: integration into labour market. Textbook. Vilnius: Eugrimas, 2012. (in Lithuanian)
  • Dromantienė, L; Česnuitytė V. Social policy of European Union. Textbook. Vilnius: MRU leidykla, 2011. (in Lithuanian)
  • Česnuitytė, V.; Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė, L. Socially disadvantaged groups in the labour market: concepts, evaluation, integration. Textbook. Vilnius: Technika, 2009.
  • Aasland, A.; Cesnuityte, V. Living Conditions in the Baltic Countries Compared. Oslo: Fafo, 1997. 106 pp. ISSN 0804-5135

Edited books

  • Wall, K.; Widmer, E. D.; Gauthier, J.-A.; Česnuitytė, V.; Gouveia, R. (Eds.) Families and Personal Networks: an International Comparative Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life series. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. DOI 10.1057/978-1-349-95263-2
  • Česnuitytė, V.; Lück, D.; Widmer, E. D. (eds.) Family Continuity and Change. Contemporary European Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life series. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-59028-2

Chapters in the books

  • Ramos, V.; Česnuitytė, V.; Wall, K.; Joye, D. Contextualising Personal Networks Across Birth Cohorts and Countries. In: Wall, K.; Widmer, E. D.; Gauthier, J.-A.; Česnuitytė, V.; Gouveia, R. (eds.) Families and Personal Networks: an International Comparative Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, p. 19-60.
  • Gouveia, R.; Aeby, G.; Česnuitytė, V. A First Portrait of Personal Networks in a Comparative Perspective. In: Wall, K.; Widmer, E. D.; Gauthier, J.-A.; Česnuitytė, V.; Gouveia, R. (eds.) Families and Personal Networks: an International Comparative Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, p. 61-97.
  • Wall, K.; Gouveia, R.; Aeby, G.; Česnuitytė, V. Changing Meanings of Family in Personal Relationships: a Comparative Perspective. In: Wall, K.; Widmer, E. D.; Gauthier, J.-A.; Česnuitytė, V.; Gouveia, R. (eds.) Families and Personal Networks: an International Comparative Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, p. 99-130.
  • Aeby, G.; Widmer, E. D.; Česnuitytė, V.; Gouveia, R. Mapping the Plurality of Personal Configurations. In: Wall, K.; Widmer, E. D.; Gauthier, J.-A.; Česnuitytė, V.; Gouveia, R. (eds.) Families and Personal Networks: an International Comparative Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, p. 131-166.
  • Widmer, E. D.; Gouveia, R.; Aeby, G.; Česnuitytė, V. Understanding Personal Networks as Social Capital. In: Wall, K.; Widmer, E. D.; Gauthier, J.-A.; Česnuitytė, V.; Gouveia, R. (eds.) Families and Personal Networks: an International Comparative Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, p. 167-186.
  • Gauthier, J.-A.; Aeby, G.; Ramos, V.; Česnuitytė, V. Linking Family Trajectories and Personal Networks. In: Wall, K.; Widmer, E. D.; Gauthier, J.-A.; Česnuitytė, V.; Gouveia, R. (eds.) Families and Personal Networks: an International Comparative Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, p. 187-223.
  • Widmer, E. D.; Gauthier, J.-A.; Wall, K., Česnuitytė, V., Gouveia, R. Introduction. In: Wall, K.; Widmer, E. D.; Gauthier, J.-A.; Česnuitytė, V.; Gouveia, R. (eds.) Families and Personal Networks: an International Comparative Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, p. 1-18.
  • Wall, K.; Česnuitytė, V.; Widmer, E. D.; Gauthier, J.-A. Conclusions. In: Wall, K.; Widmer, E. D.; Gauthier, J.-A.; Česnuitytė, V.; Gouveia, R. (eds.) Families and Personal Networks: an International Comparative Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, p. 225-238.
  • Česnuitytė, V. Influence of personal networks on decision–making in family formation nowadays: Has it changed?. In: Česnuitytė, V., Lück, D., Widmer, E.D. (eds.) Family continuity and change. Contemporary European Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, p. 117-138.
  • Aeby, G.; Gauthier, J.–A.; Gouveia, R.; Ramos, V.; Wall, K.; Česnuitytė, V. The impact of co–residence trajectories on personal networks in the transition to adulthood: A comparative perspective. In: Česnuitytė, V., Lück, D., Widmer, E.D. (eds.) Family continuity and change. Contemporary European Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, p. 211-242.
  • Česnuitytė, V.; Widmer, E. D.; Lück, D. Introduction. In: Česnuitytė, V., Lück, D., Widmer, E.D. (eds.) Family continuity and change. Contemporary European Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, p. 1-5.
  • Lück, D.; Widmer, E. D.; Česnuitytė, V. Conclusions: Changes and Continuities in European Family Lives. In: Česnuitytė, V., Lück, D., Widmer, E.D. (eds.) Family continuity and change. Contemporary European Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, p. 313-328.
  • Česnuitytė, V. “Mes“ daryba: šeimos tradicijos ir laisvalaikis. Juozeliūnienė, I., Seymour, J. (sud.) Šeiminiai pokyčiai atvirų Europos sienų ir globalaus mobilumo akivaizdoje: resursai, procesai ir praktikos. Kolektyvinė monografija. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2015, p. 114-129.
  • Česnuitytė, V. Making ‘we’: Family Traditions and Leisure Organization. In: Juozeliūnienė, I., Seymour, J. (Eds.) Family Change in Times of the De-bordering of Europe and Global Mobility: Resources, Processes and Practices. Collective monograph. Vilnius: Vilnius University Press, 2015, p. 304-320.
  • Cesnuityte V. 2009. Trends of family formation in contemporary Lithuania: reflection in massmedia. In:  ESA‘2009 conference full papers. Electronic publication CD.
  • Česnuitytė V. 2008. E-learning for Visually Impaired People? Experience of the SEE-VIP – Project. Theses of the project closing conference „New Language teaching: new language learning”, June, 5-7, p. 48-53. ISBN 978-9955-914-00-6 (in Lithuanian)
  • Cesnuityte V. 1997. Introduction to the NORBALT Data Sets and Guidelines for Their Use. In: Aasland A., Knudsen K., Kutsar D., Trapenciere I. (Eds.) The Baltic Countries Revisited: Living Conditions and Comparative Challenges. Oslo: Fafo, p. 21-34.
  • Cesnuityte V., Sipavičienė A. 1997. Data file construction. In: International migration in Lithuania: causes, consequences, strategy. Ed. By Sipavičienė A. Vilnius: United Nations Economic Commision for Europe, p. 51-53.
  • Šniukštienė Z., Česnuitytė V. 1995. Gyvenimo lygis: namų ūkiai. In: Report on human development in Lithuania 1995. Vilnius: UNDP, p. 46-52.

Scientific papers in periodic peer-reviewed journals

  • Česnuitytė, V. 2013. Subjective definition of the family in Lithuania: evidence based on qualitative interviews. Socialinis darbas, Nr.13(2), p. 240-252.
  • Česnuitytė, V. 2012. The Concept of Family: Subjective Approach of the Population of Lithuania. Socialinis darbas, Nr.11(2), p. 257-270.
  • Česnuitytė, V.; Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė, L. 2009. Problems of child’s rights implementation of children without parental care or at risk of loosing parental care in Lithuania. Socialinis darbas, Nr.8(2), 2009, p. 35-43.
  • Česnuitytė, V. 2008. The strategies of matrimonial behaviour in contemporary Lithuania: reflection in the media.  Socialinis darbas, Nr.2, p. 35-43.
  • Česnuitytė, V. 2008. Matrimonial behaviour of social stratas in Lithuania: image in mass-media. Socialinis darbas, Nr.7(2). (in Lithuanian)
  • Česnuitytė, V. 2007. Image of sociologist in Lithuanian society: demand and supply of professionals. Socialinis darbas, Nr.6(2), p. 95-105. (in Lithuanian)
  • Česnuitytė, V. 2007. Book review: Walker R. Social Security and Welfare: Concepts and comparisons. Sociological Research Online, Vol. 12 Issue 2.
  • Gruževskis, B.; Okunevičiūtė-Neverauskienė, L.; Česnuitytė, V. 2007.Integration problems of persons without basic education into labour market in Lithuania. Socialinis darbas, Nr.6(2), p. 87-94. (in Lithuanian)
  • Česnuitytė, V. 2004. Influence of social status to the first family formation in Lithuania. Filosofija. Sociologija, Nr.2, p. 46-51. (in Lithuanian)
  • Česnuitytė, V. 2003. Transformation of demographic behaviour of social stratum in Lithuania: formation of the first marriage. Socialinis darbas, Nr.2(4), p. 25-35. (in Lithuanian)
  • Česnuitytė, V. 2003. Book review: Frankfort-Nachmias Ch., Leon-Guerrero A. Social Statistics for a Diverse Society.  Sociological Research Online, Vol. 8, Issue 3.
  • Česnuitytė, V. 2004. Strategies of the matrimonial and procreative behaviour of social stratum: features and its’ changes. Sociologija. Mintis ir veiksmas, Nr.1, p. 97-103. (in Lithuanian)

Scientific papers in other peer-reviewed journals

  • Lück, D., Česnuitytė, V. Studying Families and People’s Intimate Lives in a European Perspective. RN Reports – RN13 Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives. The European Sociologist, 2018, Issue 42: „1968 – 50 Years“.

Abstracts of scientific conferences (presentations at international conferences in Lithuania and abroad)

  • Česnuitytė, V. Presentation of the book “Family continuity and change. Contemporary European Perspectives”. The XIX ISA World Congress “Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities”, Toronto (Canada), July 15-21, 2018, Session 131 “Authors Meet the Critics: Families and Global Challenges”.
  • Česnuitytė, V. Does Geographical Distance Matter in Resilience of Family and Personal Network? Case of Lithuania in the life course perspective. Paper pap04.09.02 at the session “Family and Personal Networks through the Life Course” of the XXXVIII SUNBELT Conference, the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), June 26 – July 1, 2018, Utrecht (Netherlands).
  • Česnuitytė, V. Doing family across borders: importance of routine practices, feasts and traditions. Interim Meeting 2018 “Families known and unknown” of the Research Network “Sociology of Family and Intimate Lives” (RN13) of the European Sociological Association (ESA), at the University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio (Finland), 11th – 13th June, 2018.
  • Česnuitytė, V. Computer supported collaborative consumption: practices and trends in Lithuania. International interdisciplinary Seminar “Socio-technical aspects of the circular and collaborative economy”, Workshop 4 “Platforms and finance of collaborative economy”, University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona (Spain), 16th March 2018.
  • Česnuitytė, V. Understanding the concepts of “good” parents and “good” children. 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association “(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities”, Athens (Greece), August 29 – September 1, 2017.
  • Wall, K., Gouveia, R., Aeby, G., Česnuitytė, V. Changing Meanings of Family in Personal Relationships: A Comparative Perspective. 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association “(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities”, Athens (Greece), August 29 – September 1, 2017.
  • Česnuitytė, V. “Good” parents and “good” children: ethical aspects of parents-children emotional support. Interim Meeting “Parenthood: Perspectives on Family Lives” of Research Network “Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives” (RN13) of European Sociological Association. University of Bristol (United Kingdom), July 7-9, 2016.
  • Cesnuityte, V. Personal network as a shelter in situations of vulnerability. 2nd European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN), the session “Personal networks and the development of individual vulnerability or strength in the life course”; Sciences Po (Paris, France), June 14-17, 2016. Abstract‘s book, p. 153-154.
  • Česnuitytė, V. Practices of young families and their networks under conditions of social economic inequality (Jaunų šeimų ir jų tinklų praktikos socialinės ekonominės nelygybės akivaizdoje). ESA’2015 – 12th Conference of European Sociological Association “Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination”, Session RN13S13a “Economic Crisis and Family Lives I”, August 25-28, 2015, Czech Technical University, Prague (Czech Republic). Abstracts book, p. 687.
  • Česnuitytė, V. Society-personal social network-individual or individual-personal social network-society: whose values are in priority in family formation process? Case of Lithuania. Interim meeting “Family: continuity and change” of the Research network “Sociology of family and intimate lives” (RN13) of European Sociological Association (ESA), Vilnius, 25-27 September, 2014, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius (Lithuania). Abstracts, p. 26-29.
  • Gauthier, J.-A., Aeby, G., Gouveia, R., Ramos, V., Česnuitytė, V. Personal configurations in light of cohabitation trajectories. Interim meeting “Family: continuity and change” of the Research network “Sociology of family and intimate lives” (RN13) of European Sociological Association (ESA), Vilnius, 25-27 September, 2014, Mykolas romeris University, Vilnius (Lithuania). Abstracts, p. 14-17.
  • Wall, K.; Gouveia, R.; Aeby, G.; Česnuitytė, V.; Widmer, E.; Ramos, V. Changing Meanings of Family in Personal Relationships: A Comparative Perspective. ISA2014 World Congress of Sociology “Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for Global Sociology”, Jokohama (Japan), 13-19 July, 2014. Abstracts book, p. 1044.
  • Cesnuityte, V. Crisis and Critique of Family Definition on the Light of Family Institute Changes: Case of Lithunia. ESA’2013 -11th Conference of European Sociological Association “Crisis, critique and change”, Turin (Italy), 28-31 August, 2013. Abstracts book, p. 625-626.
  • Kanopienė, V.; Dromantienė, L.; Česnuitytė, V. Reconciliation of education and family obligations in the individual life-course: cases of Lithuania and Switzerland. Comparison of non-comparable? Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association “Inequality and Integration on Times of Crisis”, Workshop „Life Course and Social Inequalities“, June 26 – 28, 2013, the University of Bern (Switzerland).
  • Česnuitytė, V. Impacts of life trajectories on shaping family model: case of Lithuanians. International seminar “Innovative methods of family research”, October 26, 2012. Abstracts. Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), p. 2.
  • Kanopienė, V.; Mikulionienė, S.; Česnuitytė, V. Subjective family concept in Lithuania. International seminar “Innovative methods of family research”, October 26, 2012. Abstracts. Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), p. 3.
  • Cesnuityte, V. Family models and social relations outside the family: Lithuanian case. ESA’2011 – 10th Conference of European Sociological Association “Social Relations in Turbulent Times”, University of Geneva (Switzerland), 7-10 September, 2011. Abstracts, p. 326-327.
  • Cesnuityte, V. Trends of family formation in contemporary Lithuania: reflection in mass-media. ESA’2009 – 9th Conference of European Sociological Association “European Society or European Societies?”, Lisbon (Portugal), 2-5 September, 2009. Abstracts.
  • Cesnuityte, V. The coherence between social status and family formation models in contemporary Lithuania. Interim meeting “Family in the making. Theorizing family in the contemporary European context” of ESA RN13 Sociology of Family and Intimate Lives, the University of Helsinki (Finland), 27-29 August 2008. Abstracts.
  • Cesnuityte, V. Family formation as lifestyle of individuals with different social statuses in Lithuania. European Population Conference’2003 “European Population: Challenges and Opportunities”, 26-30 August 2003, Warsaw (Poland). Final Programme and Abstracts. Warsaw: Statistical Publishing Establishment, p. 51.
  • Cesnuityte, V. Social Inclusion and Social Integration of Children in Institutional Care in Lithuania: Challenges and Opportunities for Policy Makers and Civil Society. Discussion paper, Vilnius (Lithuania), 2003.

Atnaujinta: 2009-10-21